3.18 FloatingPointLatticeArray

Topic Version1Published11/11/2016
For StandardCOM v2.1

Represents an array of doubles based on an origin and a multi-dimensional offset. The offset is based on a linearization of a multi-dimensional offset.

If count(i) is the number of elements in the dimension i and offset(i) is the offset in the dimension i, then:

globalOffsetInNDimension = startValue+ ni*offset(n) + n_1i*count(n)*offset(n-1) + .... + 0i*count(n)*count(n-1)*....count(1)*offset(0)

Table 3.18-1 Attributes






Value representing the global start for the lattice.

Table 3.18-2 Associations



From: FloatingPointLatticeArray.

To: AbstractFloatingPointArray



From: FloatingPointLatticeArray.Offset

1..*To: FloatingPointConstantArray


An offset value indicates the double difference between two consecutive double values of the lattice double values against one particular dimension.

For example, in case of a 1D lattice, the offset value corresponds to the double difference between the value at index 1 and the value at index 0. It also corresponds to the double difference between the value at index2 and the value at index 1, etc.

There is one offset value per dimension of the lattice double values.

The first offset value corresponds to the first dimension of the lattice double value, the second offset value corresponds to the second dimension of the lattice double value, etc.

The offset count defines the count of double difference between two consecutive double values. It is n-1 where n is the number of values in the dimension of the double lattice array.