4.2 Use Cases: Overview

Topic Version1Published12/09/2016
For StandardPRODML v2.0

For details of these use cases, see 7 Appendix for Simple Product Volume .

  1. Receive monthly and/or daily production data directly from the operating partner. The goal is to provide to others with working and/or revenue interest in jointly owned properties: production data for a fixed duration necessary for monitoring, decision-making, forecasting and reporting, and financial record-keeping associated with operated properties.
  2. Transmit monthly and daily production data directly to a participating joint venture partner. This is the “mirror image” of Use Case 1.
  3. Provide historical production data (various frequencies and date ranges possible) for divested properties. The goal is to reduce cost and effort and support automation of data room presale activities and generate added value for properties being sold, as well as for those purchasing properties.
  4. Obtain historical production data (various frequencies and date ranges possible) for acquired properties. The goal is to reduce cost and effort of post-acquisition data loads and improve completeness and accuracy of loaded data.
  5. Transmit monthly and/or daily production data on multiple wells to a central data exchange. The goal is to ensure that when data is exchanged, the sender can specify the rules for access to the data, such that the receiver may enforce privacy rules specified by the data owner. Therefore, the transmission should optionally include a list of participating entities by well so that the exchange can limit access to the production data as appropriate.
  6. Obtain monthly and/or daily production data from a central data exchange. This is the “mirror image” of Use Case 5. The functionality depends on the data exchange having information concerning the rights of different users to access specific items of data.