Topic Version1Published09/11/2015
For StandardRESQML v2.0.1

Each data object in RESQML is defined by an XML schema definition (XSD) file; RESQML XSDs are generated from the UML data model. For example, objects such as structural and stratigraphic features and organizations and grids are defined by XSDs. Each data object is stored as an XML file. XML is used because of its portability and ability for humans to read and understand it.

For a list of key RESQML data objects, see 3.4 High-Level Organization .

Where possible, RESQML is based on the design patterns, common types, and reference data from the previously published Energistics-stewarded standards, WITSML and PRODML.

Leveraging these existing standards and schemas allows integration of a rich set of data objects for cross-domain workflows and makes it possible for RESQML to adopt the WITSML version of well data (such as logs, directional surveys, formation markers, etc.), instead of developing new ones.