17.2.1 Use Cases

Topic Version1Published09/11/2015
For StandardRESQML v2.0.1

RESQML allows us to associate a single scalar value or a vector of values to a location in space. However, some use cases require capturing the evolution of these values through time and/or multiple realizations of these values during stochastic processes.

Examples include:

  • Capturing the oil production for a well interval through time.
  • Transferring the results of a sequential Gaussian simulation or other geostatistical results.

In these cases, instead of providing a single value or a 1D array for each location, we need to provide one of the following:

  • One value for each location and each time.
  • One value per location per realization index.
  • One value per time per realization, which is the most advanced cases of time-dependent stochastic processes.

In RESQML, this data is added by extending the property model to include property series. The dimensionality of the property series depends on the initial format of the property data:

  • If the values were initially represented by an array, time and realization add one or two axis dimensions to this array.
  • If the values were scalar values, they each become a 1D or 2D array.

The property series inherits from the abstract values property, which itself inherits from the abstract property. The latter includes optional elements that can be used to associate a single time, a single time step or a single realization index with a property. If the property series is being used to store values for multiple times, multiple time steps, or multiple realizations, then these “single” optional elements should not be used. If provided, then they should be ignored.