6 CommonTypes Topic Version1Published11/11/2016Topic Change HistoryFor StandardCOM v2.1 Notes: 6.1 GeologicTime The Geological Time Class name is a compromise used to represent a Time at several scales : A mandatory and precise DateTime used to characterize a TimeStep in some TimeSeries and an optional Age Offset (corresponding to an Geological Event occurrence) in years. This Age Offset must be positive when it represents a GeologicalEvent occurrence in the past. We do not mandate this Age Offset to be only positive because we could have to realize simulation of Geological Event occurence in the future. 6.2 PropertyKind Property kinds carry the semantics of property values. They are used to identify if the values are, for example, representing porosity, length, stress tensor, etc. Energistics provides a list of standard property kind that represent the basis for the commonly used properties in the E&P subsurface workflow. 6.3 PropertyKindDictionary This dictionary defines property kind which is intended to handle the requirements of the upstream oil and gas industry. 6.4 TimeIndex Index into a time series. Used to specify time. (Not to be confused with time step.) 6.5 TimeIndices Indices 6.6 TimeSeries Stores an ordered list of times, for example, for time-dependent properties, geometries, or representations. It is used in conjunction with the time index to specify times for RESQML. 6.7 TimeSeriesParentage Indicates that a time series has the associated time series as a parent, i.e., that the series continues from the parent time series.