2.2.1 Data Modeling with UML and EA

Topic Version1Published11/11/2016
For StandardCTA v2.1

The Unified Modeling Language™ (UML®) is a general-purpose modeling language used to design software and business process systems. Energistics implements UML using Enterprise Architect (EA), a data modeling software tool. The UML model has these uses:

  • Schema generation. The schemas (XSD files) that developers use to implement Energistics standards into a software package are automatically generated from the EA model.
  • Visualization and communication. Developers can explore the class diagrams to get an understanding of organization and relationships, and drill down on objects to get definitions in context. The UML model is save as an XMI file—a format that can be imported by any UML data modeling tool—which is included in the package when you download a standard from the Energistics website.
  • Documentation. For convenience, the content of the UML model is also produced in a technical reference guide, with the objects organized alphabetically within the main EA packages.