1 Introduction

Topic Version1Published09/11/2015
For StandardECOM2 v2.0

Because Energistics is a standards organization, it has always looked to standardize across its standards. However, much of the work to develop the main standards (WITSML, PRODML and RESQML) began organically, with different groups within traditional domain silos. Different project starts, schedules, development approaches, and maturity levels of the standards have imposed limits on what could be done in the past for consistency across all the standards.

However, more recently, the Energistics Board of Directors and special interest group (SIG) leadership agreed the time was right to begin a coordinate and focused effort for a common Energistics architecture. Since then, a team has been working to develop and deploy a common architecture.

Data objects common across all Energistics standards are in the Energistics common folder (Figure 1.1.1 -1). To accommodate specific needs of the individual domain standards, each of those standards also has its own "common" folder. For more information about the use of Energistics common and RESQML, see the RESQML Technical Usage Guide (which is available for download at: http://www.energistics.org/reservoir/resqml-standards/current-standards.