Discovering a Data Object URI Must Return Folder Resources
- The store must return a folder for each supported child data object type.
- Well Wellbore, WellCompletion
- Wellbore MudLog, RigUtilization, Trajectory, etc.
Figure Use this as temp title
- The store must return a folder for each supported decorator object type, e.g.:
- Activity
- GraphicalInformation
- DataAssuranceRecord
- A URI must specify the child data object type but no UUID.
- eml://witsml20/Wellbore(uuid)/Log
- The ContentType must specify the type of child data objects that will be returned when discovering the URI.
- application/x-witsml+xml;version=2.0;type=Well
- application/x-eml+xml;version=2.1;type=DataAssuranceRecord
- Empty folders must be returned.
- Decorator object type URIs must reference the ML family and version of the object they are associated with.
- eml://witsml20/Well(uuid_well)/Activity
- eml://witsml20/Well(uuid_well)/DataAssuranceRecord