4.4.5 Send Annotation Example ChannelData Message

Topic Version1Published10/16/2017
For StandardETPW20 v1

The example here shows the message received by a channel-streaming consumer ((in response to the ChannelMetadata message in Section 4.4.2 ChannelMetadata Message ) for the annotation “Starting run 200” with the value attributes shown in the table.

These metadata attributes must be included; optionally, additional metadata attributes and values can be specified.

Attribute ID

Attribute Name

Attribute Value


Target URI


Example ChannelData message for an annotation:

// [e5245366-2d61-4769-89a1-e36475439f28] Message received at 2017-04-14 17:25:14.1222{






"data": [    {      

"indexes": [1492208714117192      ],      

"channelId": 3,      

"value": {        

"item": "Starting run 200"      },      

"valueAttributes": [        {          

"attributeId": 0,          

"attributeValue": {            

"item": "eml://witsml20/Log(987af9a4-0362-8361-a3df-b0be17ab7f0e)"          }        }]    }  ]}