21 Code Examples: Use Cases

Topic Version2Published04/16/2018
For StandardPRODML v2.0

For help in implementing the DAS PRODML standard, the download includes the example described in detail in Chapter 20 DAS Worked Example , plus five additional examples of typical use cases for acquisition and processed data exchange between service providers and operators. NOTE: In the use case titles below, “transport medium” refers to a type of data transport media.

The five use cases presented are:

  • Use Case 1: Field Data Acquisition: raw, single transport medium. The EPC package contains acquisition, optical path and instrument box XML files and one external part reference file pointing to a single HDF5 file containing all the raw DAS data for the acquisition.
  • Use Case 2: Field Data Acquisition and Processed Data; raw and frequency band; single transport media. The EPC package contains acquisition, optical path, and instrument box XML files and one external part reference file pointing to a single HDF5 file containing all the raw and processed frequency band arrays. 
  • Use Case 3: Field Data Acquisition and Processed Data: raw, frequency band and spectra data; single transport media. The EPC package contains acquisition, optical path, and instrument box XML files and one external part reference file pointing to a single HDF5 file containing all the raw and processed frequency band and spectra arrays.
  • Use Case 4: Field Data Acquisition and Processed Data; raw, frequency band and spectra; multiple transport media. The EPC package contains acquisition, optical path, and instrument box XML files and two external part reference files pointing to a first HDF5 file containing all the raw data acquired and a second HDF5 file containing all the processed frequency band and spectra arrays.
  • Use Case 5: Field Data Acquisition and Processed Data; raw, frequency band and spectra; multiple transport media. The EPC package contains acquisition, optical path, and instrument box XML files and 3 external part reference files: 2 point to HDF5 files containing only raw data and the third to an HDF5 file that contains both raw data and the processed frequency band and spectra arrays.
  • Use Case 6: Field Data Acquisition and Processed Data; raw, frequency band and spectra; multiple transport media. The EPC package contains acquisition, optical path, and instrument box XML files and 6 external part reference files: two external part references point to HDF5 files containing only raw data, another two point to HDF5 files containing only processed frequency band arrays, the last two point to HDF5 files containing only processed spectra arrays.