14.1.3 Use Case 3: Manipulation of DTS-derived Temperature Log Curves

Topic Version1Published12/09/2016
For StandardPRODML v2.0

A very important part of DTS data usage is the support for diverse business workflows that not only uses DTS data for analysis but also performs different data transformations to it for better supporting decision-making activities.

When modifying DTS data it is critical that one can always trace the origins of any transformation. The DTS Data object provides all the necessary fields so that any modifications done to the data (such as depth shift) can be transferred maintaining its association with the original reading obtained from the DTS Installed System. The data allows representation of scenarios where a single measurement from a DTS Installed System has undergone different transformations for various reasons, keeping all the transformations (by versioning) and having all those transformations reference the original measurement for full traceability.

In addition to data versioning the data object offers a number of flags that can be used to denote attributes such as:

  • Whether the measurement is ‘bad’ or not.
  • Use of keyword “tags” for easier search and retrieval.
  • When having multiple versions of interpretations derived from one measurement, have a flag that shows which interpretation is the ‘approved’ one for business decisions
  • Whether the measurement is empty or not, allowing tracking of how often the instrumentation generates readings where those readings are completely empty (because the fiber is disconnected, for example)

There are also placeholders for storing diagnostics information from the instrument box that can be used for troubleshooting any issues that may be found with the measurement itself.