24.2 Overview of Product Volume

Topic Version1Published12/09/2016
For StandardPRODML v2.0

The Product Volume data object can be used to report production flows or other parameters. For instance, it can be used to report the daily allocated volume of oil production for a well or group of wells. It could also be used to report other characteristics (pressure, temperature, flow rate, concentrations, etc.) associated with a specific wellhead. It uses a general hierarchy of:

Product Volume

Facility (wellhead, separator, flow line, choke, completion ...)

Parameter Set (block valve status, reciprocating speed, available room ...)


Flow (production, injection, export, import, gas lift ...)

Product (oil, water, gas, CO2, oil-gas, cuttings ...)

Period (instant, day, month, year …)



flow rate

Parameter Sets allow time varying "usage" parameters to be defined for the facility. For example, a valve status may be toggled from "open" to "closed" to indicate that a well is offline.

Flows allow reporting for a flow of a product. For example, it may be used to specify the rate of oil produced for a specified well.

The relevant enumerations found in the enumValuesProdml.xml file are as follows:

  • Reporting Periods (e.g. day, month, year, etc.) are given in the ReportingPeriod enumeration.
  • Facility Kinds (e.g. wellhead, separator, flow line, choke, etc.) are given in the FacilityParameter enumeration.
  • Facility Parameters (e.g. block valve status, reciprocating speed, etc.) are given in the FacilityParameter enumeration.
  • Flow Kinds (e.g. production, injection, export, etc.) are given in the ReportingFlow enumeration.
  • Flow Qualifiers (e.g. measured, allocated, etc.) are given in the FlowQualifier and FlowSubQualifier enumerations.
  • Product Kinds (e.g. oil, water, gas, etc.) are given in the ReportingProduct enumeration.

The combination of Flow Kind and Flow Qualifier(s) are used to characterize the underlying nature of the flow. For example, the following combination is used to indicate a production flow that is measured.




Similarly, the following combination is used to indicate an injection flow that is simulated.


