26.2 Time Series Data Object Overview

Topic Version1Published12/09/2016
For StandardPRODML v2.0

The time series data object is intended for use in transferring time series of data, e.g. from a historian.

The Time Series data object describes a context free, time based series of measurement data for the purpose of targeted exchanges between consumers and providers of data services. This is intended for use in support of smart fields or high-frequency historian type interactions, not reporting. It provides a “flat” view of the data and uses a set of keyword-value pairs to define the business identity of the series, as described in the following generalized hierarchy.

Time Series Data

Meta Data

Keyword Name/Value Pairs (asset identifier, qualifier, product, flow …)

Units of Measure (psi, rpm, mA, m …)

Measure Class (electric current, thermodynamic temperature, …)

Time/Value Pairs

The keyword value pairs are used to characterize the underlying nature of the values. The key value may provide part of the unique identity of an instance of a concept or it may characterize the underlying concept. For example, the following keyword value pairs are used to indicate the measured production flow of oil.

<key keyword="flow">production</key>
<key keyword="product">oil</key>
<key keyword="qualifier">measured</key>



asset identifier

A formatted URI identifier of the asset (facility) related to the value. This captures the kind of asset as well as the unique identifier of the asset within a specified context (the authority). The identifier may define a hierarchy of assets. Refer to the CTA Technical usage Guide for more information on Energistics identifiers.


A qualifier of the meaning of the value. This is used to distinguish between variations of an underlying meaning based on the method of creating the value (e.g., measured versus simulated). The values associated with this keyword must be from the list defined by type FlowQualifier.


A specialization of a qualifier. The values associated with this keyword must be from the list defined by type FlowSubQualifier.


The type of product that is represented by the value. This is generally used with things like volume or flow rate. It is generally meaningless for things like temperature or pressure. The values associated with this keyword must be from the list defined by type ReportingProduct.


Defines the part of the flow network where the asset is located. This is most useful in situations (e.g., reporting) where detailed knowledge of the network configuration is not needed. Basically, this classifies different segments of the flow network based on its purpose within the context of the whole network. The values associated with this keyword must be from the list defined by type ReportingFlow.