29.13.1 ConnectedNode

Topic Version1Published12/09/2016
For StandardPRODML v2.0

Product Flow Connected Node Schema.

Table 29.13.1-1 Attributes






A descriptive remark associated with this connection, possibly including a reason for termination.



The date and time that the connection was terminated.



The date and time that the connection was activated.



Defines the node to which this port is connected. Only two ports should be actively connected to the same node at the same point in time. That is, a port should only be connected to one other port. There are no semantics for the node except common connection. All ports that are connected to a node with the same name are inherently connected to each other. The name of the node is only required to be unique within the context of the current Product Flow Network (that is, not the overall model). All ports must be connected to a node and whether or not any other port is connected to the same node depends on the requirements of the network. Any node that is internally connected to only one node is presumably a candidate to be connected to an external node. The behavior of ports connected at a common node is as follows: a) There is no pressure drop across the node. All ports connected to the node have the same pressure. That is, there is an assumption of steady state fluid flow. b) Conservation of mass exists across the node. The mass into the node via all connected ports equals the mass out of the node via all connected ports. c) The flow direction of a port connected to the node may be transient. That is, flow direction may change toward any port if the relative internal pressure of the Product Flow Units change and a new steady state is achieved.



The name of a network plan. This indicates a planned connection. The connected port must be part of the same plan or be an actual. Not specified indicates an actual connection.



A unique identifier for this data element. It is not globally unique (not a uuid) and only need be unique within the context of the parent top-level object.

Table 29.13.1-2 Associations



From: ProductFlowPort.ConnectedNode

1..*To: ConnectedNode
