29.15.3 CrewType

Topic Version1Published12/09/2016
For StandardPRODML v2.0

Specifies the types of production operations personnel grouping.

Table 29.15.3-1 Attributes




catering crew


A count that is the number of persons from the catering contractor spending the night at the installation.

contractor crew


A count that is the number of persons from other than operator spending the night at the installation.

day visitors


A count that is the number of persons visiting the installation but not spending the night at the installation.

drilling contract crew


A count that is the number of persons from the drilling contractor spending the night at the installation.

other crew


A count that is the number of persons from an unknown source, normally not working on the installation but spending the night there.

own crew


A count that is the number of persons from the operator, normally working on the installation and spending the night there.

own other crew


A count that is the number of persons from the operator, normally not working on the installation but spending the night there.

personnel on board


A count of the total personnel on board.

Table 29.15.3-2 Associations



From: CrewCount.

To: CrewType
