5.3.2 Interpretation Level

Topic Version1Published09/11/2015
For StandardRESQML v2.0.1

The interpretation level corresponds to the results of a step done by one user or software agent in a business process.

Most of the information contained in an individual interpretation or organization interpretation is as attributes or enumerations, which helps users understand how the topology and the geometry of the geological objects and organization representations should be built or have been built, if the representation is already associated with the given interpretation.

Like a feature, an interpretation is uniquely identified by a UUID and metadata. Interpretations have two additional types of information:

  • Geologic knowledge, which describes (usually by enumerations) the hypothesis used to obtain the associated representation (embedded directly as an attribute of the interpretation):
  • Structural example: a horizon interpretation is unconformable below
  • Grid example: a reservoir organization interpretation is based on a specific stratigraphic organization interpretation
  • Link to a representation (which could be of several types) which is obtained by applying the hypothesis declared in the interpretation using one software package (or application). We can have several representations based on the same hypothesis, for example:
  • Structural example: On one hypothesis: a horizon interpretation is unconformable below:
  • Surface Representation 1: a point set
  • Surface Representation 2: a triangulated surface
  • Surface Representation 3: an interval Edge in a grid (which in this case is a sub-representation of a Grid; for more information, see 6.3 Patches .

In this example, these 3 representations may come from 3 different software packages; that is, we have 3 different representation of the same interpretation.

  • Reservoir example: On one hypothesis, a reservoir: “rock” fluid organization interpretation is contained in an earth model interpretation based on a specific stratigraphic column we can have 3 representations of the rock volume
  • Rock Volume Representation 1: a structured explicit grid oriented north-> south with 50X50 cells and 45,000 layers
  • Rock Volume Representation2: an unstructured grid oriented northwest -> southeast with 20,000 cells
  • Rock Volume Representation 3: a structured “parametric lines” grid oriented north-> south with 50X50 cells and 45,000 layers (For more information on parametric lines, see 7.3 Parametric Points and Lines .

Note that these three grids, which can have different orientations due to the direction of the flux (a simulation with different Injector wells), are based on the same stratigraphic organization interpretation. For more information on grids, see 11 Grids .