10.2.5 Plane Set Representation
Topic Version | 1 | Published | 09/11/2015 | |
For Standard | RESQML v2.0.1 |
Figure 10.2.5-1 shows the UML model for the plane set representation, which is used to represent things such as fluid boundary interpretations (such as water-oil contacts) or frontiers (boundaries) that limit a volume of interest. Just as any other RESQML surface representation, these planes can have one outer ring and several inner rings to limit their extension.
Each plane can have either:
- a horizontal plane geometry (one Z coordinate ).
- a tilted plane geometry defined by three 3D points.
Guidelines for defining fluid contacts:
- Use boundary feature with a fluid boundary interpretation with a plane set representation.
- Do NOT use rock fluid organization interpretation to group them in a contact set; instead, use a representation set representation.
- Link the regions to the planes by using the outer ring of the patch boundaries of the plane set representation (inherited from abstract surface representation). NOTE: You should have the same number of patch boundaries as planes (pointing either to subrepresentations or to the entire representation).