Non-sealed Surface Framework Representation
Topic Version | 1 | Published | 09/11/2015 | |
For Standard | RESQML v2.0.1 |
Figure shows the UML model of the non-sealed surface framework representation, which is explained below. Figure shows a graphical example of a non-sealed framework.

Figure shows an example of a non-sealed framework. The objective of this representation is to gather, step by step, the structural information on boundaries and contacts between boundaries, all along the workflow, even if they are not all totally topologically consistent. A software package can read this information, and based on it, can set up a sealed surface framework representation.
The non-sealed surface framework contains line contact representations (surface/surface contact interpretations between boundaries) and representations of boundary interpretations (horizon, faults, and frontiers). There is no requirement to ensure topological consistency between these representations.
The non-sealed surface framework representation contains a list of representation list elements and a list of non-sealed contact representation parts. Each element of the list has one given “implicit” index given by the writer by the order of writing in the XML instance file.
Each element can have a geometry (one geometry is represented in Figure by an abstract point3D array, which can be described by an X,Y,Z point 3D as a polyline. Or each element can be defined by a contact patch.
NOTE: Relationship to Geometry was inadvertently required (1..1) and it should be optional (0..1). To address this issue, provide or repeat the actual geometry of the contact.
This construction allows users to include both sealed and non-sealed contacts.