Example Regridding: Radial Grid Near a Well

Topic Version1Published09/11/2015
For StandardRESQML v2.0.1

Consider the refinement of a radial grid near a well. The global grid has dimensions of 10x1x3 and the child grid is a refinement of the innermost three cells on the second layer, with highest resolution near the well. The child grid also increases the angular resolution from a single 360o cell to four 90o cells.

I Regrid

Initial index on parent grid=0, Interval count=3, Parent count=(1,1,1), Child count=(4,2,2), Weights=(1,2,4,8,1,2,1,1)

J Regrid

Initial index on parent grid=0, Interval count=1, Parent count=(1), Child count=(4)

K Regrid

Initial index on parent grid=1, Interval count=1, Parent count=(1), Child count=(1)

For the I regrid, the weights indicate fractions of 1/15, 2/15, 4/15, 8/15 of the first parent cell, the weights indicate fractions of 1/3, 2/3 in the second parent cell, and the weights are equal indicating fractions of 1/2, 1/2 in the third parent cell. The J regrid has equal fractions of 1/4 and the K regrid indicates no refinement. Because the K regrid indicates 1:1 mapping, it need not be specified. For I, J, and K, because this is pure refinement, the parent count only takes on values of 1.

If the parent grid is an IJK grid, then the regrid may be in I, J, and/or K. If the parent grid is an unstructured column-layer grid, then the regrid may only be in K. No other grid cell geometries support a regrid geometry description. For other parent geometries, no intervals should be specified, and the child grid should have its geometry defined explicitly. However, the parentage construction may still consist of a window into the parent grid.