11.19.2 4x3x2 Faulted IJK Grid

Topic Version1Published09/11/2015
For StandardRESQML v2.0.1

Figure 11.19.2-1 and Figure 11.19.2-2 show an example of a simple grid with regularly spaced vertical coordinate lines and a single fault. The grid has no gaps in IJ or in K.

Figure 11.19.2-1 x3x2 faulted corner-point grid.
Figure 11.19.2-2 Indexing of the elements for the 4x3x2 faulted corner-point grid.

In Figure 11.19.2-2 , the split coordinate lines are specified using a jagged array construction, which consists of two arrays. The first provides the offset into the second array for each element and the second array provides the values. There are 20 pillars in this grid and 4 split coordinate lines. The first 20 coordinate lines correspond to the pillars, and the remaining lines are the split coordinate lines. Because there are no IJ gaps in this grid, the split coordinate lines share the same pillars as the unsplit coordinate lines.

Figure 11.19.2-3 Class diagram of an IJK Grid Representation of the 4x3x2 Faulted corner-point grid

The class diagram for this grid (Figure 11.19.2-3) is similar to that of the GRDECL grid (Figure 11.19.1-1), although with fewer options. The grid description has neither IJ nor K gaps, the grid spacing is regular with vertical pillars, and all cells have their geometry defined. Property attachment is not part of this example. Because of the regularity of this grid, we can demonstrate implicit parameterizations for the nodes. For this example, values for the cell dimensions and nodal positions are available.

Figure 11.19.2-4 Instance diagram for an IJK Grid Representation of the 4x3x2 Faulted corner-point grid.

The parametric line indices, or equivalently the pillar indices, provide the mapping from the coordinate lines to the parametric lines. In this case, the parametric lines are vertical with a regular XY spacing. They are specified using the array of lattice points 3D for an orthogonal lattice. The Z coordinate of each node is given explicitly on a 24x3 array. For this simple grid, the values are (1000 1050 1100) or (980 1030 1080) per coordinate line, depending on which fault block of the grid the line is positioned within.