6.2 Mud Log Report Data Object
Topic Version | 1 | Published | 11/11/2016 | |
For Standard | WITSML v2.0 |
The mud log report (MudLogReport) data object can be used to create a report of geological, hydrocarbon evaluation, and drilling parameters observed while drilling a wellbore. The report represents the activities typically performed by mudlogging or wellsite geological personnel at a drilling location. The data from this object can be used to generate the graphical mud log or wellsite geology log that is the service product from these wellsite operations.
The mud log report object uses the objects from wellbore geology object (described above) to carry the detail of specific intervals of cuttings geology, interpreted geology, and hydrocarbon show but, the mud log report object also adds the capability to describe other associated data including:
- Information about the service company and its personnel
- Gas readings (mud gas, gas peaks)
- Chromatographic analysis of gas content
- Drilling parameters
- Links to other wellbore information, such as drilling reports and log data
The mud log report is a growing object. As drilling progresses along the wellbore, new instances of the mud log report interval are generated and added to the object. These intervals may be transferred in real-time via ETP using the part_MudLogReportInterval object.