7.6.1 Data Model

Topic Version1Published11/11/2016
For StandardWITSML v2.0

Figure 7.6.1-1 is the UML diagram of the risk data object. Certain elements are required for the risk object to be both valid and of practical use. Other elements represent a “best practice” that is helpful for the risk to be properly interpreted. The risk data object:

  • Must reference its parent wellbore.
  • Must include these elements:
  • Type: the type of risk, e.g. gas kick.
  • Category: the category of risk, e.g. hydraulics or equipment failure”

Best Practice:

  • DTimStart and DTimEnd: if applicable, date and time that the risk started and ended.
  • MdHoleStart and MdHoleEnd: if applicable, the measured depth at the start and end of the risk.
  • TvdHoleStart and TvdHoldEnd: if the risk is associated with a depth range and MdHoleStart/MdHoleEnd have not been provided, then these should be provided.
  • SeverityLevel: severity level of the risk, values 1 through 5, with 1 being the lowest.
  • ProbabilityLevel: probability level of the risk, values 1 through 5, with 1 being the lowest.
  • Summary: a summary description of the risk. If needed, provide more information in Details.
  • Contingency: the plan of action if the risk materializes.
  • Mitigation: plan of action to ensure the risk does not materialize.
Figure 7.6.1-1 UML diagram of the risk data object. Note: RiskSubCategory has been truncated to fit the page. For the complete list, see the WITSML UML model (XMI file).