12.11.18 StimJobDiagnosticSession
Topic Version | 1 | Published | 11/11/2016 | ||
For Standard | WITSML v2.0 | ||||
Type: | Class | Stereotype: | «XSDcomplexType» |
A pumping diagnostics session.
Name |
Type |
Notes |
AvgBottomholeTreatmentPres |
PressureMeasure |
Average bottomhole treatment pressure. |
AvgBottomholeTreatmentRate |
VolumePerTimeMeasure |
Average bottomhole treatment flow rate. |
BaseFluidVol |
VolumeMeasure |
Base fluid volume entering equipment. |
BottomholeHydrostaticPres |
PressureMeasure |
Bottomhole hydrostatic pressure. |
BottomholeTemperature |
ThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure |
Static bottomhole temperature. |
BubblePointPres |
PressureMeasure |
The pressure at which gas begins to break out of an under saturated oil and form a free gas phase in the matrix or a gas cap. |
ChokeSize |
LengthMeasure |
The size of the choke used during a flow back test. |
Description |
String2000 |
A description of the session. |
DTimFractureClose |
TimeStamp |
The date and time when the fluid in the fracture is completely leaked off into the formation and the fracture closes on its faces. |
DTimPumpOff |
TimeStamp |
The date and time pumping ended. |
DTimPumpOn |
TimeStamp |
The date and time pumping began. |
DTimWellShutin |
TimeStamp |
The date and time at which a well ceases flowing and the valves are closed. |
ExtensionNameValue |
ExtensionNameValue |
Extensions to the schema based on a name-value construct. |
FluidCompressibility |
IsothermalCompressibilityMeasure |
The volume change of a fluid when pressure is applied. |
FluidDensity |
MassPerVolumeMeasure |
The density of the fluid. |
FluidEfficiency |
VolumePerVolumeMeasure |
A measurement, derived from a data frac, of the efficiency of a particular fluid in creating fracture area on a particular formation at a set of conditions. |
FluidKprimeFactor |
DimensionlessMeasure |
The consistency index K is the shear stress or viscosity of the fluid at one sec-1 shear rate. An increasing K raises the effective viscosity. |
FluidNprimeFactor |
DimensionlessMeasure |
Power law component. As 'n' decreases from 1, the fluid becomes more shear thinning. Reducing 'n' produces more non-Newtonian behavior. |
FluidSpecificHeat |
SpecificHeatCapacityMeasure |
The heat required to raise one unit mass of a substance by one degree. |
FluidThermalConductivity |
ThermalConductivityMeasure |
In physics, thermal conductivity is the property of a material describing its ability to conduct heat. It appears primarily in Fourier's Law for heat conduction. Thermal conductivity is measured in watts per kelvin-meter. Multiplied by a temperature difference (in kelvins) and an area (in square meters), and divided by a thickness (in meters), the thermal conductivity predicts the rate of energy loss (in watts) through a piece of material. |
FluidThermalExpansionCoefficient |
VolumetricThermalExpansionMeasure |
Dimensional response to temperature change is expressed by its coefficient of thermal expansion. When the temperature of a substance changes, the energy that is stored in the intermolecular bonds between atoms also changes. When the stored energy increases, so does the length of the molecular bonds. As a result, solids typically expand in response to heating and contract on cooling. The degree of expansion divided by the change in temperature is called the material's coefficient of thermal expansion and generally varies with temperature. |
FoamQuality |
VolumePerVolumeMeasure |
Foam quality percentage of foam for the job during the stimulation services. |
FractureClosePres |
PressureMeasure |
The pressure when the fracture width becomes zero. |
FrictionPres |
PressureMeasure |
The pressure loss due to fluid friction with the pipe while a fluid is being pumped. |
InitialShutinPres |
PressureMeasure |
Initial shutin pressure. |
MdBottomhole |
MeasuredDepthCoord |
The measured depth of the bottom of the hole. |
MdMidPerforation |
MeasuredDepthCoord |
The measured depth of the middle perforation. |
MdSurface |
MeasuredDepthCoord |
The measured depth of the wellbore to its injection point. |
Name |
String64 |
The name of the session. |
Number |
NonNegativeLong |
The number of this pumping diagnostics session. |
PercentPad |
VolumePerVolumeMeasure |
The volume of the pad divided by the (volume of the pad + the volume of the proppant laden fluid). |
PorePres |
PressureMeasure |
The pressure of the liquids in the formation pores. |
PumpDuration |
TimeMeasure |
The time between the shutin time and the pump on time. |
ReservoirTotalCompressibility |
IsothermalCompressibilityMeasure |
The volume change of a reservoir material when pressure is applied. |
StageNumber |
NonNegativeLong |
The number of a stage associated with this diagnostics session. |
SurfaceFluidTemperature |
ThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure |
Temperature of the fluid at the surface. |
SurfaceTemperature |
ThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure |
The constant earth temperature at a given depth specific to a region. |
TemperatureCorrectionApplied |
boolean |
Are the calculations corrected for temperature? A value of "true" (or "1") indicates that the calculations were corrected for temperature. A value of "false" (or "0") or not given indicates otherwise. |
TvdMidPerforation |
WellVerticalDepthCoord |
The true vertical depth of the middle perforation. |
uid |
String64 |
Unique identifier for this instance of StimJobDiagnosticSession. |
WellboreVolume |
VolumeMeasure |
The volume of fluid in the wellbore. |
Association |
Notes |
From: StimJobDiagnosticSession.PumpFlowBackTest 0..*To: StimPumpFlowBackTest Association |
From: StimJobDiagnosticSession.FluidEfficiencyTest 0..*To: StimFetTest Association |
From: StimJobDiagnosticSession.StepDownTest 0..*To: StimStepDownTest Association |
From: StimJobDiagnosticSession.StepRateTest 0..*To: StimStepTest Association |
From: StimJobStage.PdatSession 0..*To: StimJobDiagnosticSession Association |