12.20.8 InterpretedIntervalLithology
Topic Version | 1 | Published | 11/11/2016 | ||
For Standard | WITSML v2.0 | ||||
Type: | Class | Stereotype: | «XSDcomplexType» |
The description of a single rock type that is used within InterpretedGeologyInterval. There can only be one of these in each InterpretedGeologyInterval.
Name |
Type |
Notes |
Citation |
Citation |
An ISO 19115 EIP-derived set of metadata attached to ensure the traceability of the InterpretedIntervalLithology |
CodeLith |
String64 |
An optional custom lithology encoding scheme. If used, it is recommended that the scheme follows the NPD required usage. With the numeric values noted in the enum tables, which was the original intent for this item. The NPD Coding System assigns a digital code to the main lithologies as per the Norwegian Blue Book data standards. The code was then derived by lithology = (main lithology * 10) + cement + (modifier / 100). Example: Calcite cemented silty micaceous sandstone: (33 * 10) + 1 + (21 / 100) gives a numeric code of 331.21. However, the NPD is also working through Energistics/Caesar to potentially change this usage.) This scheme should not be used for mnemonics, because those vary by operator, and if an abbreviation is required, a local look-up table should be used by the rendering client, based on Lithology Type. |
Color |
String64 |
STRUCTURED DESCRIPTION USAGE. Lithology color description, from Shell 1995 and Colors with the addition of: frosted. e.g., black, blue, brown, buff, green, grey, olive, orange, pink, purple, red, translucent, frosted, white, yellow; modified by: dark, light, moderate, medium, mottled, variegated, slight, weak, strong, and vivid. |
Compaction |
String64 |
STRUCTURED DESCRIPTION USAGE. Lithology compaction from Shell 1995, which includes: not compacted, slightly compacted, compacted, strongly compacted, friable, indurated, hard. |
Hardness |
String64 |
STRUCTURED DESCRIPTION USAGE. Mineral hardness. Typically, this element is rarely used because mineral hardness is not typically recorded. What typically is recorded is compaction. However, this element is retained for use defined as per Mohs scale of mineral hardness. |
Kind |
LithologyKindExt |
The geological name for the type of lithology from the enum table listing a subset of the OneGeology / CGI defined formation types. |
MatrixCement |
MatrixCementKind |
STRUCTURED DESCRIPTION USAGE. Lithology matrix/cement description. Terms will be as defined in the enumeration table. e.g., "calcite" (Common) "dolomite", "ankerite" (e.g., North Sea HPHT reservoirs such as Elgin and Franklin have almost pure ankerite cementation) "siderite" (Sherwood sandstones, southern UK typical Siderite cements), "quartz" (grain-to-grain contact cementation or secondary quartz deposition), "kaolinite", "illite" (e.g., Village Fields North Sea), "smectite","chlorite" (Teg, Algeria.). |
Permeability |
String64 |
STRUCTURED DESCRIPTION USAGE. Lithology permeability description from Shell In the future, these values would benefit from quantification, e.g., tight, slightly, fairly, highly. |
PorosityFabric |
String64 |
STRUCTURED DESCRIPTION USAGE. Visible porosity fabric description from after Shell and intergranular (particle size greater than 20m), fine interparticle (particle size less than 20m), intercrystalline, intragranular, intraskeletal, intracrystalline, mouldic, fenestral, shelter, framework, stylolitic, replacement, solution, vuggy, channel, cavernous. |
PorosityVisible |
String64 |
STRUCTURED DESCRIPTION USAGE. Lithology visible porosity description. Defined after BakerHughes definitions, as opposed to Shell, which has no linkage to actual numeric estimates. |
Roundness |
String64 |
STRUCTURED DESCRIPTION USAGE. Lithology roundness description from Shell Roundness refers to modal size class: very angular, angular, subangular, subrounded, rounded, well rounded. |
SizeGrain |
String64 |
STRUCTURED DESCRIPTION USAGE. Lithology grain size description. Defined from Shell (Wentworth) modified to remove the ambiguous term pelite. Size ranges in millimeter (or micrometer) and inches. LT 256 mm LT 10.1 in "boulder" 64-256 mm 2.5–10.1 in "cobble"; 32–64 mm 1.26–2.5 in "very coarse gravel" 16–32 mm 0.63–1.26 in "coarse gravel" 8–16 mm 0.31–0.63 in "medium gravel" 4–8 mm 0.157–0.31 in "fine gravel" 2–4 mm 0.079–0.157 in "very fine gravel" 1–2 mm 0.039–0.079 in "very coarse sand" 0.5–1 mm 0.020–0.039 in "coarse sand" 0.25–0.5 mm 0.010–0.020 in "medium sand" 125–250 um 0.0049–0.010 in "fine sand" 62.5–125 um .0025–0.0049 in "very fine sand" 3.90625–62.5 um 0.00015–0.0025 in "silt" LT 3.90625 um LT 0.00015 in "clay" LT 1 um LT 0.000039 in "colloid" |
Sorting |
String64 |
STRUCTURED DESCRIPTION USAGE. Lithology sorting description from Shell Sorting: very poorly sorted, unsorted, poorly sorted, poorly to moderately well sorted, moderately well sorted, well sorted, very well sorted, unimodally sorted, bimodally sorted. |
Sphericity |
String64 |
STRUCTURED DESCRIPTION USAGE. Lithology sphericity description for the modal size class of grains in the sample, defined as per Shell Sphericity: very elongated, elongated, slightly elongated, slightly spherical, spherical, very spherical. |
Texture |
String64 |
STRUCTURED DESCRIPTION USAGE. Lithology matrix texture description from Shell 1995 crystalline, (often "feather-edge" appearance on breaking), friable, dull, earthy, chalky, (particle size less than 20m; often exhibits capillary imbibition) visibly particulate, granular, sucrosic, (often exhibits capillary imbibition). Examples: compact interlocking, particulate, (Gradational textures are quite common.) chalky matrix with sucrosic patches, (Composite textures also occur). |
uid |
String64 |
Unique identifier for this instance of InterpretedIntervalLithology. |
Association |
Notes |
From: InterpretedIntervalLithology. To: LithologyKindExt Dependency |
From: InterpretedIntervalLithology.Qualifier 0..*To: LithologyQualifier Association |
*Needs Documentation* |
From: InterpretedGeologyInterval.InterpretedLithology 0..1To: InterpretedIntervalLithology Association |