6.4.2 Well Production Parameters

Topic Version1Published12/09/2016
For StandardPRODML v2.0

#PRODML_c_55__GUID-D7147C7F-2017-0006-W2DP-00000000002A shows the worked example well production parameters. Note these key points:

  • Fluid component catalog and the references to fluid components work in the same way as other objects, such as asset production volumes as shown in Section 6.3.2 Worked Example Volumes Walkthrough and Figure 6.3.2-3 .
  • A range of operating parameters can be included (purple arrow).
  • The transfer can optionally be split into a number of sub-periods using multiple production well period elements. The example shows the choke change which resulted in the volume reporting for this well, as shown in Section 6.3.2 Worked Example Volumes Walkthrough and Figure 6.3.2-8 .
  • Optionally well production parameters can report flow rates (red arrow).
  • For production well test, the reporting entity data object reference is expected to be to a well kind of reporting entity with, but this match is not enforced.

Figure 6–39. Well production parameters event-driven or reported across any number of discrete periods.